
Maine  Coon Cat Calendar

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CFA Grand Premier Clarion Sands-of-Kalahari of Loxly

CFA judge Sharon Roy made Harry her best Allbreed premier, giving him the final points he needed to become a grand premier.  His energy level at this show was so high, he tired out a couple of judges!  Below are photos of CFA judge Sheila Mizzi attempting to keep him on the table, distract him from going after the toys on the table and then trying to tire him out enough so she could handle him and give him a good going over :-)
Harry earned the nickname Harry Houdini at this show by alternately hiding under the cage curtains and popping out and trying to figure out how to escape from the benching cage.  The people benched across from him were entertained by his antics all weekend!  They should see him at home!!!




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[Family Page][My Grandson!]
Disclaimer:  Not all the cats pictured on this web site still live with us!!!  Most have lived with us at some point, but most have been a part of our breeding program and have moved on. I felt it was important to show the "cats behind the cats" that we have now and that have been part of our cats heritage and our lives.

Animal Posters
Cat Posters

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This web site and all photographs are copyrighted by the respective photographers and may not be copied or used in any way without permission. Unless otherwise noted all photos on this website are © 1999-2001 Deborah Carney All rights reserved.
Revised: April 21, 2002 .