Lilacs A to E (Lilacs A – Z Series) (Deborah Carney) A series of books that identify full color images of Lilacs. All images are correctly identified from tags that were attached to the bushes at the time they were photographed. Due to the size of the completed books, we have broken Lilacs A to Z into four books, varieties that start with A through E, F through L, M through Q, and R through Z.
Lilacs A to E (Lilacs A – Z Series)
Buddha Beach: Sedona, Arizona (The Southwest Gallery Series)
Buddha Beach: Sedona, Arizona (The Southwest Gallery Series) (Deborah Carney, Liz Fogg, Alec Ababon) As I (Deborah Carney) was photographing the tiny (and not so tiny) rock structures I knew they had to be paired with quotes and sayings from Buddha. I hope you will enjoy this journey through Buddha Beach paired with some insightful quotations. The photographs in this book are taken by myself, my daughter Liz, and her son Alec. I was going to identify who took what, but I don’t want to detract from the beauty of the images and the sayings they are paired with. I will say that I am proud to say that each of us contributed and individual attribution isn’t necessary. All the sayings in the book are attributed to Buddha.
Funky Lilac Flower Art
Fun Funky Rose Art (Fun Funky Art Coffee Table Books For Kindle)
I hope you enjoy my book of whimsical rose art and that it brings a smile to your face. And that each image takes your breath away more than the last one.
~ Deborah Carney
Author Home Page Link
Link To Book On Amazon
Inspirational Quotes for Writers – Coffee Table Book
Inspirational Quotes for Writers – Coffee Table Book (Deborah Carney) Photographs paired with quotes to inspire writers (and others) to do what you do best.
Best Practices for Coupon Sites
Best Practices for Coupon Sites (Deborah Carney, Vinny O’Hare, Kim Salvino, Amy Ely, and Jeannine Crooks) Do you have a coupon site? Are you getting turned down or your commissions lowered by merchants? Read about how you can improve your site and talk to your affiliate managers more effectively.
Poetry and Peonies: Japanese Tree Peonies
Poetry and Peonies: Japanese Tree Peonies (Deborah Carney) Tree Peonies photographs illustrate this book of inspirational quotes and poetry.
Flowers With Wings
Flowers With Wings (Deborah Carney, Vinny O’Hare) Butterflies identified and combined with inspirational quotes.
Choosing the Scope and Structure of Your Blog
Choosing the Scope and Structure of Your Blog (Deborah Carney, Tricia Meyer, Liz Fogg) Take the advice of our expert bloggers on how your blog should be built and whether you should be a general blog or focus on a niche. Find out who owns your content if you are blogging on popular free blog services, and why you can be hurting your SEO as well.
Facebook + Email = Success
Facebook + Email = Success (Deborah Carney, Vinny O’Hare, Dave Cupples and David Iwanow) This book is a guide on how to make money on Facebook by combining fan pages with email marketing. *This is a transcript of a roundtable discussion between affiliate marketing experts and facebook experts* Three of the four have spoken at the largest conference focused on affiliate marketing in the US, Affiliate Summit. Dave Cupples traveled from Australia to New York City to speak, and has now spoken around the world.