Poetry and Peonies: Japanese Tree Peonies (Deborah Carney) Tree Peonies photographs illustrate this book of inspirational quotes and poetry.
Poetry and Peonies: Japanese Tree Peonies
The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help you Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings by Trudy Scott
What inspired you to write your book?
I am so am passionate about what I do because I used to suffer terribly from anxiety, unexplained fears, waking with a sense of doom and even panic attacks – and I have used gluten elimination, and the amazing healing powers of foods and nutrients to completely heal. I want to share the powerful food mood connection with everyone!
About your Book:
It’s remarkable how much the foods we eat can impact our brain chemistry and this book will show you how to calm your anxious mind one meal at a time. In The Antianxiety Food Solution, you’ll find four unique antianxiety diets designed to help you address nutritional deficiencies that may be at the root of your anxiety and enjoy the many foods that foster increased emotional balance. You’ll soon be on the path to freeing yourself from anxiety—and enjoying an improved overall mood, better sleep, fewer cravings, and optimal health—the natural way!
Cuisine Style or Food Genre
Self-help: real whole quality food
Sample Recipe or Food Advice
For a great mood eat quality grass-fed red meat as part of a real whole foods diet. Grass-fed red meat contains amino acids, zinc, iron and good levels of omega-3s – all of which are so crucial for improving both anxiety and depression.
It’s important for you to figure out if you may have issues with gluten. If you are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease then you must eliminate gluten-containing grains like wheat, rye and barley (and even be careful with oats). This means no bread, pasta, cakes, cookies and the avoidance of processed foods which often contain wheat. The effects of gluten can vary for each individual. Some people have digestive issues like bloating or constipation or stomach pain. Others can have mood problems like anxiety, social phobia, depression and mood swings.
What formats are your books in
eBook, Print, Both
How do you see writing a food/cookbook as different from writing other genres of books?
Research, research, research. I am a self-confessed research nerd and loved this aspect of the book writing process.
What advice would you give to someone that is thinking about or currently working on a food book or cookbook
Writing a book has been fabulous for increasing my credibility, extending my reach and growing my business. It’s the best thing I ever did! However the actual writing of the book is just one part of being an author. Other parts are marketing, blogging, doing an online newsletter, live speaking, radio and TV interviews, traditional media and more. Be prepared for the whole deal.
How did you decide how to publish your book and where is it published through:
My book was published by New Harbinger. I was doing a presentation at a nutrition conference and an acquisitions editor in the audience asked me afterwards if I’d like to write a book for them. It was a fantastic opportunity.
Author Bio:
I am a Food-Mood expert and nutritionist. I educate women about real whole food and finding natural solutions for anxiety and stress, depression and other mood problems. I am so am passionate about what I do because I used to suffer terribly from anxiety, unexplained fears, waking with a sense of doom and even panic attacks – and I have used gluten elimination, and the amazing healing powers of foods and nutrients to completely heal. I am author of The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help you Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings (June 2011, New Harbinger).
I am immediate past president of National Association of Nutrition Professionals and now Special Advisor to the board of directors. I also present nationally to mental health practitioners on food and mood, sharing all the recent research and how-to steps for implementing changes
Author Home Page Link
Link To Book On Amazon
Link to Book on Barnes and Noble
Link to Book for sale via other sites
Your Social Media Links
Free Kindle Book – Flowers With Wings Butterfly Book of Photos
This book is free on Sept 19, 20 and 21, 2012 If you get a copy and enjoy it, please leave a review on Amazon and leave a review here on our site.
Flowers With Wings (Deborah Carney, Vinny O’Hare) Butterflies identified and combined with inspirational quotes.
Flowers With Wings
Flowers With Wings (Deborah Carney, Vinny O’Hare) Butterflies identified and combined with inspirational quotes.
Choosing the Scope and Structure of Your Blog
Choosing the Scope and Structure of Your Blog (Deborah Carney, Tricia Meyer, Liz Fogg) Take the advice of our expert bloggers on how your blog should be built and whether you should be a general blog or focus on a niche. Find out who owns your content if you are blogging on popular free blog services, and why you can be hurting your SEO as well.
Facebook + Email = Success
Facebook + Email = Success (Deborah Carney, Vinny O’Hare, Dave Cupples and David Iwanow) This book is a guide on how to make money on Facebook by combining fan pages with email marketing. *This is a transcript of a roundtable discussion between affiliate marketing experts and facebook experts* Three of the four have spoken at the largest conference focused on affiliate marketing in the US, Affiliate Summit. Dave Cupples traveled from Australia to New York City to speak, and has now spoken around the world.
Review first published on Barb Shelton’s Blog
A SR Perspective
The Wordsmith Journal Magazine
Hello and Welcome to our SR Perspective page where our SR Reviewer,
Barb Shelton will post her opinion/review of the books she reads.
This month is The Visionary by Pamela S Thibodeaux
Authors, email twjadsales@gmail.com for details on how to have your book reviewed by Barb!
Just Sayin….
The Visionary is a story very detailed about all types of love, and particularly those identified in the Bible. From my younger memory, I can recall four – Agape, selfless or unconditional love; Phileo, love of friends; Eros, erotic love and Storge, family love. Of course, love can be described in a variety of ways, from fierce, intense and blazing to gentle, tender and soft. While some of the characters in this story want to be controlling in their own right, author Pamela S. Thibodeaux’s emphasis in her story is on God’s unconditional love proving HE is in control. Emotions ebb and flow as far heavenward and as far downward as can be humanly expressed. Familiar emotions are expertly articulated; while other emotions unknown by some human souls are eloquently voiced for a deeper understanding.
The moment I began reading of The Visionary, my mind, which usually doesn’t respond “speechless” too much of anything…was in complete awe to Pamela’s writing. Immediately I became deeply infatuated with her clever use of words. She caused sparks to flit around my mind and tickled my fancy for easy recall of what my eyes read. There’s that age thing creeping into my reading enjoyment – folks at my age are inclined to blank minds and memory loss, well forgetfulness! LOL
I was filled with wonder at how adept author Thibodeaux is in the “show and tell” method of writing, like it is a natural thing for her. I admire her wonderful descriptive power and can feel the aura of each personality by her use of words. Pam Thibodeaux can show an instantaneous mood or inner physical feeling as though you are “seeing, hearing and feeling” every movement and thought of the characters.
The Visionary is indeed a novel written “on the edge.” But then again….wasn’t the Bible? I was not offended or thrown off with the manner in which this story was written. Within each sentence flows God’s truth and grace emphatically within the structure of decency and refinement.
Having said that, I’m positive you would like to know a bit about the story and the characters that live it. Twenty-seven year old twins, Taylor and Trevor Forrestier are the main characters and both suffered evil in their childhood. They are as close as Siamese twins in their dependence and attachment to one another. Both have been endowed by God with beautiful physical appearances from their thick honey colored hair, green and gold flecks in topaz eyes, trim firm frames, right down to gold hoop earrings dangling from perfectly shaped earlobes (on the girl, of course). One very basic difference between the twins is that one believes in God; yet the other is like Thomas or Thomasina in the Bible…a doubter that Jesus is real.
The story takes place in Lake Charles, Louisiana where Taylor and Trevor are the owners of T & T Enterprises. Taylor is an interior designer and Trevor is an architect and landscape architect for urban planning and design – in less Ivy League terms….a builder. Taylor has received magnificent reviews as the designer with vision. I don’t intend to give away any of the interesting secrets regarding Taylor’s gift….you will need to discover them on your own. On the down side, Trevor is extremely over protective of Taylor, which causes jealousy of anything or anyone that interferes personally with their closeness.
Enters Alex Broussard, a financial analyst, who currently bought a large piece of historical real estate called The LeBleu Estate which dates back to the original settlers of the area. It was rumored to have been a favorite visiting spot of Jean LaFitte during his excursions in and out of the area. There is much curiosity over the rumor that he left his initials carved on a board inside the barn where he slept at times. Alex is a very sensitive man and is stunned upon his first meeting with the twins, but all I will tell you here is that he went seeking their company to restore The LeBleu Estate.
Pam LeBlanc, secretary to Taylor and Trevor is a sweet, vivacious young woman, highly skilled in dealing with the office scenarios; on top of everything else to make the twins jobs easier. Pam is also a love interest to a main male character in this story. No secrets now! I must admit my curiosity as to Pamela Thibodeaux giving a main player in this story her first name. Perhaps she will clue us in to that one day. Just asking, Pamela!
I felt such emotion and prayed for all the characters often…not that I could have changed Pamela’s story…but perhaps God heard them as for someone else to bless. One of my favorite tv channels to watch is HGTV – which made my visions of the estate purchasing and refurbishing so much fun. Working jigsaw puzzles is another pleasure of mine….and there are many puzzles of mystery in Pamela’s story to engage your curiosity. Some scenes raised my ire and others made me sniffle and sob. This book may very well bring someone from riding the fence to making a decision to follow Christ.
The Visionary is one of the better books I have read. I vehemently recommend that you acquire a copy of this novel to meet and enjoy the story yourself. Some parts of this book I’ve wanted to read over and over and didn’t want the story to end. Pamela, I sincerely hope you’ll be writing more about this rare and wonderful community of people. I will remember and recall this story for a long time because it meant so much to me. I could relate to the evil things written about, as well as the healing and redemption. There has been grief and tragedy also, as in others’ lives, which brought about memories of sadness. I can also say honestly….that my wisdom of life and scripture has grown and I’m much wiser now. I hope in my old age I can remember that!
I want to thank our Abba father for Pamela. She is indeed guided by His Holy Spirit that indwells her. What a holy imagination she uses to write God’s word! This is some of my perception of Pamela S. Thibodeaux. May our Creator’s grace and creative power be with you always.
The Visionary
Pamela S Thibodeaux
A visionary is someone who sees into the future, Taylor Forrestier sees into the past but only as it pertains to her work. Hailed by her peers as “a visionary with an instinct for beauty and an eye for the unique”Taylor is undoubtedly a brilliant architect and gifted designer. But she and twin brother Trevor, share more than a successful business. The two share a childhood wrought with lies and deceit and the kind of abuse that’s disturbingly prevalent in today’s society. Can the love of God and the power of His grace and mercy free the twins from their past and open their hearts to the good plan and the future He has for their lives? Find out in…The Visionary ~ Where the awesome power of God’s love heals the most wounded of souls
Note from Pam to Barb
I am humbled and honored you would pen such beautiful words about my story and writing. Thank You!
My prayer has always been that I glorify God in all I do and write and your opinion of this book encourages me that I just may be on the right track.
As for naming a major character after me — I am 100% SOTP writer (seat of the pants) – I have no outline or clue of the characters’ names, appearance or anything else until they appear on the page or pop into the story. Some are secondary (like Steve, Colleen & Pastor Hebert) and some, like Pam play major roles.
Alas, this is the joy and frustration of being a SOTP writer LOL!
Once again, Thank You, Barb for your lovely comments. May God bless you 100fold in your own writing endeavors
Available @ Amazon & Barnes and Noble!
Meet our SR Reviewer ~ Barb Shelton!
Barb is married to Jack Shelton, a retired military officer and lives in Arlington, Texas. Having been married for thirty seven years, Barb and Jack share eight children between them, (His, Mine, Ours); 19 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Barb was born and raised in Enterprise, Kansas. She is musically inclined and is a retired church music director. A former Weight Watcher lecturer, she has had many interesting and unusual jobs, including working for a private detective, defense attorney, office manager for a video production company and administrative assistant to two different pastors. She is involved in volunteer and church activities, and describes herself as creative, friendly and can talk with anyone.
“I am a Christian and love to spread God’s love and enjoy making others smile and lift up their day.”
She wishes to write a book one day. “I’ve been through several soap operas in my lifetime and lived to tell about them.”
Barb is the writer of two blogs, Passing it Forward and Barbjan10’s Blog, both of which she invites you to drop by to visit one day.
Our goal at The Wordsmith Journal Magazine is to introduce readers to authors of books with a strong moral message. Primarily Christian based, we do not adhere to any particular denomination, nor do we question the integrity or worship of our readers, interview candidates, sponsors, columnists, reviewers, or authors who advertise with us. We understand reading is subjective and what one person deems sweet, clean, cozy or inspirational, another will not. Please know we do not read nor endorse every book advertised in our magazine but trust that the author understands our goal and his or her work fits the desires of our readers.
SEO for Blogs
SEO for Blogs (Deborah Carney, Vinny O’Hare, Eric Nagel, Tricia Meyer) This is a transcript of a podcast, we know a lot of people prefer to read and not necessarily listen. Included are 17 pages of SEO basics that even some experienced webmasters may have forgotten. At the end of the book is a resources page with lots of great references for you to implement the tips with.
101 Frickin Rawsome Recipes by Chris Kendall RHN
What inspired you to write your book?
After studying Nutrition for 5 years and while in school to be a RHN I went to a Health festival and Met a Long Term Raw Food Leader, Dr Douglas Graham. His Lectures and Being hit me like a ton of bricks, The next day I went 100% raw and was blown away by the results. My course changed from going into Nutrition for athletics and self to Spreading the ever increasing want for growth, the Joy and Bliss that is our Natural State when we align ourselves with natures Design, along with a Holistically healthy Lifestyle. My first 4 years Raw I came to Create a ton of recipes that really helped me find Ease with my New Lifestyle as well as Tantalize others with my culenary creations. Always a Chef at heart, in fact I wished to be a chef before getting into Nutrition, I selected the Best of the best and Created “101 Frickin Rawsome Recipes” by donation in the wish to spread it as far and wide as possible. Over 8 years now as a 100% raw food vegan, these are still the recipes I enjoy most often.
About your Book:
101 Simple and Delicious Low Fat Raw Food Recipes that you could find Mother nature serving in the Garden of Eden. With whole food ingredients you can find anywhere these recipes are simple and quick to make. 101 includes key nutritional information and tips such as food combining and sequential eating, all recipes are made for optimal digestion. You aren’t what you eat you are what you absorb! Enjoy growing into new levels of Health and Fitness with ease, Get Frickin’ Rawsome with Chris Kendall’s “101 Frickin’ Rawsome Recipes”!
Cuisine Style or Food Genre
Raw Food
Sample Recipe or Food Advice
The simple truth of Nutrition is that Mother Nature has got it right. Whole Plant Foods are designed perfectly, they are without doubt what we have been primarily eating for the longest amount of time. The more Fresh Raw Ripe Foods we Enjoy eating, easy to digest whole foods that provide us with the most nutrient per calorie we can find, the healthier and happier we will be. This Simple book makes that not only easy but Mouth wateringly Delicious no matter your appetite or preference.
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My Review of American Goddesses by Gary Henry
Book: American Goddesses by Gary Henry
I enjoyed the story American Goddesses even though it did get a bit sappy towards the end. Now being an emotional female, I cried and hugged and shared the sorrow with the characters, but a guy would probably say, “Okay enough of the tears, just get on with the story already…. Alright a man hug. There are you happy now?”
American Goddesses is a story about two women, Megan and Trish, who volunteer for a medical experiment that could wipe out all diseases known to man or woman, from the common cold to cancer. What they get are super powers that complicate their lives in good and bad ways.
Gary did an excellent job of weaving the story so that you felt you were a part of it. You felt the emotions of the characters. You could see them just as clearly as if you were in Gary’s head as he wrote.
Would I recommend American Goddesses? Yes. Would I give it five stars? Yes, I would.